Thursday, 6 February 2014

New video of Black Angelika, protagonist of this wonderful scene by "Magik Sex"

Be gentle with the emails guys! Today I found very hard to read because you have sent so many. Until such time as Mike does not come back I will be alone to take care of the blog and therefore excuse me if I can not respond to all quickly. Among the emails that arrived today is very interesting that of Guntur who writes from Indonesia. Among other things, according to our statistics we have many readers of our blog from Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam and is one thing that makes us really happy to know also be followed from the Far East. Let's go back to the Guntur’s mail that makes us so many compliments and tells us to follow every day. It is we who thank you, dear Guntur. In your email you ask news of Black Angelika who is also one of the godmothers of our blog. Our indonesian friend was surprised because the romanian artist has been excluded from nominations for "Female Foreign Performer of the Year" in the last AVN Awards. The AVN Awards are like the Oscars of the mainstream movie dear Guntur, where the great actors and actresses are so many but not all years are nominated for awards. In recent months, Black Angelika has shot numerous videos for the network "Magik Sex". Today , therefore, for you and for all fans of Angelika, our blog offers you a very recent video, released last month, which sees her main character. The title is "Evil Cheating Wife”. Good vision and a big kiss from your Lisa ..

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