Sunday, 9 February 2014

Kendall Karson, the stripper experience

Today we talk about a topic that is close to my heart. The stripper is definitely the erotic figure par excellence, the one that better than any other woman arouses in men sexually daring thoughts . I've done this job for seven years, in Italy but also in Spain and Switzerland. I stopped from over three years but certainly cherish great memories and I had many experiences, both positive and negative. I want to break a lance in favor of men who frequent lap dance and striptease club: everyone is trying to go beyond the simple strip show and it is a matter of course. The girls who do this work know it and obviously the most talented are able to induce the customer to think that there may be in short-term a sexual intercourse and with this excuse they solicit the "generosity" of men. In many places in Northern and Eastern Europe it is normal that the strippers also provide sexual services. In Italy it's different because from the legal point of view this is not possible but there are many clubs where unofficially, during private shows , the showgirl goes beyond the simple striptease if the customer pays an "extra”.This, in most cases, does not depend on the direction of the club but it is a choice of the stripper. Rarely, the girls agree to make full sexual intercourse, and most are limited to a handjob or a blowjob. However, there are many girls who make this profession in soft way and do only striptease, touching over the clothes the customer and make touching herself by the same customer. The funniest part of this work (I say this from personal experience) is to see that the customer cums inside his pants and at the same time it is very rewarding for a girl to be able to bring a man to orgasm without touching his cock directly. There are other girls, finally, that allow man to make an handjob while watching the show. All personal choices dictated by the moment, the situation, the type of man and of course how much the man is willing to spend in terms of money. It’s obvious that the setting of strip clubs is a classic for porn but in this case, of course, everything culminates in the sex scene between the girl and the customer. On this issue we present the today's video, produced by the network Spizoo. Starring the the beautiful Kendall Karson, one of the new faces of american hardcore industry ...
A big kiss from your Lisa ...

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